Mom says I have a few issues and she's right, I have a few. Here’s a list of my top 10 issues.
10. Car
rides, not a fan.
9. Strangers,
don’t care for them.
8. Cuddling,
not happening.
7. Dingoes,
don’t like em’.
6. Thunder,
enough said.
5. Boxes
left on the porch.
4. Peanut
butter, gives me the itchies.
3. Once
I get something in my head I will not let it go.
2. I
can spell treat, walk, and fly.
And my #1 biggest issue……….Flies. I get so scared when a fly gets in the house,
not outside I'm good with them matter of fact I will snap at them but in the
house is another story. I get so freaked
out, I run and hide. If I think it one
is following me, I jump in my mom’s lap and bury my face in her arms and am
shaking from the tips of my ears all the way to the end of my tail. The peeps can’t even mention the word fly or
I start acting all weird so they started spelling fly but I learned real quick it
spelled FLY.
any of you puppers have issues with flies or is it just me?